Understanding the Form 1099-Misc

The IRS 1099 Misc form needs to be filled out if you have certain, specific types of what is called miscellaneous payments to non-employees, like independent contractors.

Monday, 28 December 2015

Mistakes That Need to be Avoided When Filing Federal 1099 Form

It is form 1099 season again and there are tax payers looking for the correct steps on how to file form 1099? If you happen to be in business, then it is necessary for you to pay good attention to the issuance of these forms and failing to do so will have you facing penalties. This burden on businesses seems to grow every year. There are even cost basis required on some 1099 forms these days. However, the real award is receiving the federal 1099...

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Important Things to Know About IRS Form 1099 Prior to Filing Taxes

Taxpayers are not very fond of receiving IRS Form 1099. On the other hand businesses might also not like sending these forms out. In fact, it can rightly be said that there is not a single individual who likes Form 1099 with IRS being an exception. The IRS or Internal Revenue Service simply loves the 1099s because these forms make way for data matching against the tax returns. Some of the most important things that you should know in regard to Form 1099 prior to filing your taxes are as follows: It is better to give the Form rather than Receiving...

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Willful Filing as Late For Income Tax Returns Even After Filing of Form 4868 and Beyond Attracts Penalty

Now we can see that how a failure of timely file of individual income tax returns on time even beyond the extended time of request through IRS form 4868 may result in a penalty called “Failure to Timely File Penalty” which come through section 27 of Code of Federal regulations (CFR) 24.274-Failure to timely pay tax or file a return. By this CFR in force, the penalties for failure to pay tax at the time required, for willful refusal to pay the tax...

Monday, 23 February 2015

Fail to Pay Tax on Time Only Hail Penalty from IRS

In this section, the civil penalties like when one does not file the tax but having paid the taxes by due date will also attract a penalty. In case if a person substantially understate his or her tax, or file an irresponsible tax return like frivolous return, or failing to provide the SSN-Social Security Number will also suffer by the penalties of IRS. The civil fraud penalty will apply and payable by persons who provide dishonest or unlawful information. ...

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

E-File Form 1099 With Etax1099 For the Year 2014


Monday, 5 January 2015

Independent Contractors Are Always Dependent on Form 1099-Misc as Put Up As IRS Ways

IRS is here in the USA to do the rightful, purposeful, and dutiful job of tax collections for different IRS forms and one such form is 1099-MISC structured for reporting tax return for miscellaneous income and which has been normally received by millions of people across the US who are as self-employed, as independent contractors, entrepreneurs, and self-styled practitioners. This continues day after day for which IRS structured this form 1099-MISC...