Monday, 3 June 2013

2290 IRS Tax Form - Read Out the Concept and Understand the Need

Form 2290 or 2290 IRS tax form or Heavy Vehicle Use Tax are all same and all the terms represent the standard form of Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which is used to pay the heavy vehicle tax. The truck owners will be eligible for paying the tax only if the vehicles which they own come under norms of IRS 2290.

It is compulsory that the truck owners who come under the tax limit should pay the tax to the IRS without fail. All the heavy vehicle owners need to file the tax returns by filing 2290 IRS tax form. If anyone fails to pay tax, the IRS will send out a notice to them along with claiming penalties. If notice is received, then the owners need to pay the penalties by filing separate 2290 form. So the truck owners need to be attentive and should pay the tax without fail during the tax year.

The excise tax is controlled by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) of US Department of Treasury and they are responsible to track all the vehicles that use the highway across US. They have all the rights to demand the excise tax of the vehicles.

heavy vehicle truck tax
IMG source: /

Heavy Vehicles Truck owners’ responsibility -

When we say about the form 2290, not all the truck owners need to pay the tax, only those whose vehicle gross weight is more than 55, 000 pounds or more. Any heavy vehicles which weigh less than the said figure, for instance even if the vehicles weighs 54,999 pound, the owners need not pay the tax. The owners have to take up voluntary responsibility of paying the tax to IRS of Heavy vehicles which comes under the form 2290 tax window. Truck owners may be individual or corporation or partnership or Limited company, all need to pay the tax to IRS.

The tax year will start from 1st July to 30th June. If the vehicle is purchased in July, the tax can be paid as per the normal tax schedule, if the vehicle is purchased after July, the tax will be counted from the month when the vehicle is used first. 

Payment of Tax -

Form 2290 Electronic filing is the best mode of payment of the tax to IRS. The benefit of the E-File is the tax filers need not have to wait in a queue in IRS office, they get the proof of payment i.e. schedule 1 in minutes.

This has got many advantages, where the online system checks out the error in the filing and gives the feedback in minutes. Fast approvals and accurate data processing is the beauty of the E-filing. 

Copy of Schedule 1 which is stamped by IRS will be used to the Truck Owners to register their vehicle in any state in the US. 

Ignored Entities - Form 2290 truck tax 

The Qualified subchapter S Subsidiaries (QSubs) and the eligible single-owner ignored units are treated separately for filing IRS form 2290 and reporting the purposes for form 2290. Even they need to pay tax but they can claim the credits, refunds and any payments based on the entities employer Identification number (EIN). They should never file 2290 based on the owners TIN. Always keep EIN and TIN details which will be helpful in filling the form 2290. 

If the owners have purchased the vehicle from the others, they need to even pay the tax for the remaining tax year of the vehicle. They cannot use the previous owners IRS form 2290, they need to file separately. 

There are many things to understand the needs of form 2290 electronic filing and the nuances of 2290 IRS tax Form. Don’t get distressed, contact us and transfer all your worries of E filing to us to take care.


  1. Some truckers wants to pay their tax but they don't know how to pay and all other things, so they need a complete guide.Thanks for your support.Form 2290 Online Filing

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
