Understanding the Form 1099-Misc

The IRS 1099 Misc form needs to be filled out if you have certain, specific types of what is called miscellaneous payments to non-employees, like independent contractors.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Like IRS Tax Strictures Towards Form 2290 For Truckers, FMCSA Form Safety Compliance Structures

Truckers should e-file form 2290 tax returns this tax season before or on the specific due dates and it is the federal order from IRS and similarly the CSA-Compliance Safety Accountability program as introduced by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) four years ago is equally to be adhered by the drivers of commercial heavy motor vehicles and fleet-owners of transporting industry as a whole.  But FMCSA findings through Commercial...

Monday, 7 July 2014

Operation safe Driver Program Always Needs Co-operation From Truckers and Drivers

Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance - CVSA has laid out various safety programs for commercial vehicle drivers and fleets, teens and trucks and the program is basically formulated to avert untoward accidents on national highways of North America.  The estimates from CVSA show that 40,000 people die because of serious accidents happening primarily due to unsafe driving practices by both passenger and commercial heavy vehicle drivers. Hence this...