Understanding the Form 1099-Misc

The IRS 1099 Misc form needs to be filled out if you have certain, specific types of what is called miscellaneous payments to non-employees, like independent contractors.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

IRS 8868 Support Form To Support Cause Of Non-Profits And Tax –Exempt Organizations

Form 8868 is structured by IRS in a way of extension support given for 6 months to nonprofits and tax-exempt organizations in two different ways with an interval with part-1 of the IRS form 8868 supports for automatic extension for 3 months and the part-2 of the IRS form 8868 extends another 3 months conditional not automatic. There is an interval between part-1 and part-2. Only when the part-1 as applicable with the automatic extension of time...