Understanding the Form 1099-Misc

The IRS 1099 Misc form needs to be filled out if you have certain, specific types of what is called miscellaneous payments to non-employees, like independent contractors.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Common Questions Regarding E-Postcard Form 990N

Are you the head of a non-profit looking for some answers about e postcard form990-n? If so, you have come to the right place. This document, simple and easy as it might be, is very important when it comes to maintaining your organization's 501(c)(3) status. Here is a list of commonly asked questions about the form itself as well as how to file it. What information is required to complete form 990-N? Anyone completing form 990-N needs to...

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Benefits of Online Filing for Tax 2290

With many websites online offering aid, it has never been easier to file the tax form 2290 to the IRS. This tax form is for heavy highway vehicle use. It is a tax return form in which the due date revolves around the fiscal year starting on July 1st and ending on June 30th. There are of course some exceptions to this, depending on many factors. Those that must pay the tax and turn in the form are owners of these heavy vehicles that are over 55,000...

Sunday, 9 February 2014

How to File IRS-1099 MISC Online?

There are many business relationships in which a company pays an independent contractor or freelance worker for his or her services, yet this compensation is not a part of general wages due to the fact that this is not an employer/employee situation. If this applies to you, you will need to complete an IRS 1099 MISC form for your contracted workers. While the process of filing a 1099 MISC is not complicated, it can still be a headache for business owners...