Understanding the Form 1099-Misc

The IRS 1099 Misc form needs to be filled out if you have certain, specific types of what is called miscellaneous payments to non-employees, like independent contractors.

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

How and Why You Need to E-file Form 1099?

There are many reasons you need to fill out and file form 1099. Today we are going to talk about who must file form 1099 and who can file 1099 online from Etax1099. Why File Form 1099? You must file form 1099 if you have many a salary, tips, or wages that have not been reported to the IRS already.  Any and all money that a person makes is taxable and must be reported using the form 1099-MISC if you have made over 600.00 a year. Many professions...