If you need extra time to file your business income tax, information, or other returns under your name, you are going to need a form 7004. When you file this, it is an application for an automatic 5 month extension on those documents’ deadline for filing (tax day is April 15th), so it really is a very beneficial thing to do if you are not fully prepared for filing everything. It is overall an easy document to fill out, but some may still find it to be a little confusing in certain areas, especially with the tax jargon and what not. So here is a little ‘how to’ on how you can file form 7004 online quickly and successfully. There are three sections to the form, everyone must fill out either Part I or Part II (depending on the type of extension you are requesting) and the third, which is mandatory for everyone. So we’ll break it down per section.
Source: FLickr |
Part I-Part II
This is a very simple step, you just have to determine which amount of time you wish to extend for. You must first indicated on Line 1a what type of tax return you are asking for an extension on. This line is for the 5-month extension. Line 1b is for the 6-month extension; on either of these lines that you choose, be sure to enter only one code that represents your tax return type.If in the event you are requesting to file an extension for a corporation or business located outside the United States, Line 2 provides the space to indicate this. This will be a 6-month extension though. If you have a corporation needing the extension in the US, Line 3 is designated for that.
Part III
Line 5a is for those who file outside of the usual calendar year. Here you indicated what your start and ending dates are for your tax year. Line 5b is for if you have a shorter tax year than others. Just be sure to provide documentation as to why you do this when filling it out.On Line 6 you are expected to enter the total amount of tax you are expected to owe for that year. There are special instruction for this, and you can find them at the bottom of the document. Do understand that even though you are filling out an application for an extension to file, it does not apply to the deadline in which you have to pay your taxes. Do not confuse what the extension actually means. Line 7 is for the total amount of payments and refundable tax credits.
When you are done filling out the form, as mentioned briefly before, if you are required to provide certain documentation, be sure you do, or you will face delays if not also being declined. Otherwise, you are ready to efile form 7004. The application should be processed within a few days and the return on whether or not you are accepted should be soon after that, if not immediately. More about Tax Extension: